Friday, July 16, 2010

Health & Wellness In The Workplace

Group Projects. In general, a great big pain and hassle. However, this is not the case at Equity Trust Company. When I started my internship I was aware of a group project that needed to be completed by the middle of July that would be presented to over 200 employees at Equity Trust. At first I was nervous to see how everyone would interact and how cohesive we would be as a group. From the second we started collaborating on it I could tell this was going to be a easy and seamless process. My teammates were superstars! We all worked and put forth an equal amount of effort and not one person did more than the other. It was quite an experience giving this presentation 8 different times to the departments. We came ready to work, ready to present and ready to have fun. In the end everyone walked away with a valuable pieces of knowledge and we were happyto have been able to implement health and wellness within Equity Trust. Not only did we evaluate everyone current stress levels, tell them ways to handle the stress, facts about the new 2010 food pyramid, ways to improve their diet at work and showed them how to exercise while at work but we also made a video to illustrate these points. Below is the link if anyone would like to view it.

I can't say enough about how nice it is to have hard workers and strong leaders in a group setting. It really does make a difference in the outcome of the final product and I'm glad that Equity Trust has the mindset to choose determined, focused interns.

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