Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 4 in Review

My fourth week started with my biggest moment as an intern here at ETC.  On Tuesday I had a meeting with Kent, our business development manager, and Rich Desich, our co-founder and one of the leaders of the company.  Needless to say I was excited to showcase what I had been working on with the Evergreen system, but also a little nervous.  I created a PowerPoint presentation and a fact sheet that overviewed the capabilities, pros, and cons of the program.  We spent close to an hour discussing how we would like to use the program.  It went extremely well!  Rich and Kent seemed impressed with my work and gave me the go-ahead to delve deeper into the program.  I walked out of the meeting with a feeling of accomplishment and a new found confidence that can only be acquired by gaining real-world experience in an office setting.  The opportunity to meet with executives does not come along for many interns.  It is just another example of how great an internship this is.  The remainder of my week consisted of posting and following up on the BiggerPockets blog.  I was able to generate two leads already from the posts I have made so I sent them along to our sales department.  I also drafted my first Facebook post for our Fourth of July campaign.  We offered a free Blueprint for Success kit as our version of fireworks to offer our fans.  Finally, after meeting with Wes and Kelly I was assigned with creating event postings on a multitude of websites for our Tax Free Wealth Seminars being held in San Diego, San Francisco, and Cleveland.  Wes had compiled an Excel spreadsheet with a list of web pages that list events in various cities around the country.  I then created an event for each TFWS in their respective cities.  This week we also welcomed the newest member to our marketing team in Jen Lynch.  Jen came over to us from the Cleveland Clinic and will be our Marketing Supervisor.  We all went out to lunch together and had a good time laughing and sharing some “fun facts” about ourselves.  Welcome to the Equity Trust Company team Jen! 

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