Thursday, May 26, 2011

Flying By

These last few days have been flying by, I can't believe week two is almost over. Since I last wrote I have been very busy completing various mini projects. I started out researching our competitors, looking for fees or services that ETC could adopt to increase revenue. Also since one of ETC's core values is "The Client is Our Ultimate Boss", I spent time researching the top customer service companies and why they are regarded so highly. I crafted a report with suggestions for ETC to look into to increase their customer satisfaction. I was excited to complete projects where my results might actually be used to make the company better. It is that reason that I'm looking forward to completing my major project which is to try and improve the return mail process here at ETC. Right now ETC is getting flooded with return mail which costs the company money and also takes a great deal of time to work through. The project will be very challenging but hopefully upon completion of this project I'll be able to say that I helped save the company some money. Besides being satisfied with the work I have been doing, I continue to be thrilled about the people here at ETC. It makes work so much more enjoyable when you are around people who enjoy their job. Everyone works very hard but still is able to keep a positive, upbeat attitude. Although I've only been here a week and a half, I'm starting to feel at home. My mentor and manager have been nothing but helpful and friendly to me which makes it much easier to wake up and go to work in the morning. All of us interns have a meeting this afternoon regarding our group project. It should be fun interacting with everyone again and the meeting should give us more insight on what other great challenges we'll face this summer.

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