Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 2 in Review

My second week started when the results came back from my first Evergreen test run.  The results were less than stellar and I realized that I had a little too much confidence regarding how much I “thought” I knew about the software.  Who would have thought that I wouldn’t have the entire system figured out and ready to use in one week?  I encountered several issues with how the emails were sent, the format of many components of the system, and with the tracking analytics.  I typed out a bulleted list of issues and questions I had with the first test and sent it to the technical support staff for EBS.  Throughout the remainder of the week I began a second test with the changes and adjustments I had learned through my dialogue with the tech staff.  It has been a continued back and forth discussion with them throughout my entire time working with the program. 
            I also began researching how we could advertise via Twitter.  I sent an inquiry though email and then had a nice phone call with Rick from Twitter.  Rick outlined the information and details I needed to know in order to get us started with them.  I then typed up an outline of the notes I took and sent it off to our Interactive Marketing Manager, Wes, and our Copywriter, Heather.  We had our social media meeting Thursday in which we discussed what I had learned from Twitter, brainstormed campaign ideas, and created a general plan for our social media marketing campaigns. 
            This week I also was helped out immensely by Sarah, our Data Analyst.  Sarah was kind enough to meet with me two different times this week in order to teach me both our GotoWebinar program and Salesforce, our customer relationship management software.  She is the expert when it comes to these databases so it was very helpful for her to familiarize me with the programs that are so instrumental in what we do in the marketing department.  It was especially relevant to learn the current webinar program so I can compare it to the new software I am testing in Evergreen.  Speaking of webinars, this week we received two emails advertising different webinars that might help our company.  One was about promoting your webinar and how you can increase traffic driven to view your webinars.  The other was about mastering the art of welcome emails.  Since I know how busy everyone is, and because I want to soak up as much information as possible, I volunteered to take the lead and watch each webinar and provide the rest of the department with the notes I took. 
            The remainder of my time this week was filled with miscellaneous tasks that supported the projects various members of our team were working on.  I also spent part of Wednesday making phone calls to registrants for our Networking Conference in Orlando to confirm and update the database we have already compiled.  This supported KT, our event coordinator, with a small portion of the workload she is responsible for regarding the upcoming conference.  I also helped Kelly, the business development assistant, integrate our Tax Free Wealth Seminars database with what we have on Salesforce.  TFWS are educational seminars we host around the country to inform the members about self-directed IRAs and hopefully generate people who would be interested in becoming our clients.  
            I was finally able to set up my voice-mail this week as well.  What a relief! For whatever reason I was blocked from setting up my voice-mail and directly receiving calls from outside the company.  With the help of our IT department I was able to work both these issues out and begin to feel more official.  Week two continued to engulf me with various projects and other experience that you cannot gain until you are in the workplace.  It was also not without fun.  Our sales team decided they wanted to set up a putting green at the Networking Conference so, being the helpful intern that I am, I took some time to test it out.  It has been quite awhile since I golfed last but don’t worry, I still could knock down my putts.

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