Anyway, like the other interns mentioned, we had an extremely busy week. Getting together everyday and going over our training presentation got to be a little tiring after a while but I think we all did a great job and things came together nicely. We received a lot of compliments from many of the employees. Our goal was to try and keep things interesting for our audience and I feel we were fairly successful. My favorite part of the presentation would have to be the short video clips - especially the one that displayed leadership. Lauren this is for you - "You know you're supposed to have a cover sheet on all of your reports, MITCH!!!!! ...Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Janice!"
Aside from the intern training project this week, I have started working on another project for Sales and Marketing selling the Networking Conference and Gold Level Service. It has been a slow start since out of the 8 people I tried to get ahold of today on the phone, only 2 picked up. I have a long list to call so I'm confident things will go a lot better as I continue to make calls next week. I would however, like to extend a "pat on the back" to Jeff for signing someone up for the conference today - LUCKY. Good job!
While it was fun getting together with all of the interns to work on the project, I'm sure all of us are glad it is finished and we can focus more on our individual projects.
Yay for Terry Tates. Although we're not promoting physical violence at leadership, I'm pretty sure I'd love a Terry Tates around my workplace. Still laugh every time I see that clip...even after seeing it 10 times.